Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Once again, reporting for duty

It has been a long, long time. So I come back here, a day after the new year began. I will once again try to journal/blog as much as I can. One reason is to stop posting more of my personal photos on Facebook. I am not sure though if it is any better posting my photos here. But I supposed with the net, nothing is ever safe. Still, it is the way I keep in touch with family and friends in other parts of the world, so I guess I have to live with it.

We arrived back from Baler earlier this evening. Trip wasn't so bad, we only hit a few slowdowns on the road. I don't like leaving Baler though. The older I get, the more I just want to go home and stay there. Not feasible at the moment, but gunning for it in the future.

We were home for about a week. Spent Christmas in Metro Manila, the headed home a couple of days after. I was hoping to start the new year with an early morning trip to the beach to watch the first sunrise of 2019. Sadly, it wasn't meant to be. It was raining practically the whole time we were there. Still, I wouldn't exchange the few days spent there with time in the city.

Baler has changed so much in just a short time. So many visitors now especially during holidays and weekends. Businesses to cater to them are increasing. I'm a bit weird about this. I'm glad there's been progress, but I yearn for the good old days when I knew almost everyone in town, many of whom are my relatives. Today, I don't know most of the people I meet on the streets. Pops said many are what we call 'dayo' and many of the locals have gone away.

I'm tired. I've got loads of work to get done and time is tight. I will post pics later. But definitely a goal this year: journal more.

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