Monday, June 19, 2006

New uniform

Today is Dr Jose Rizal's birthday. I thought there should be some kind of commemoration, especially since he's the national hero, but apart from some editorial, there didn't seem to be much mention. I remember when I was in grade school, there was a fuss about Rizal's birthday celebration. Oh well, maybe there is still in the schools.
Speaking of schools, Ben wore his new school uniform today:

So far, he's doing good. He had his first star stamp this morning, and while I didn't speak to his teacher, I assumed he was good in class today.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

It's back to school time

Today (14 June) is Ben's first day in his new school, Claret Child Study Center. I went with him today (and will accompany him again tomorrow). As usual, the kid was very hyper. I guess it's the excitement of the new school year (yeah, wait a few more years...).
His section is Maamo (not exactly a very apt description of him), and there are 14 of them in his class. I just can't remember how many girls (I think there are five). Seems like he's already made a new friend, as one of the boys and him were playing together for some time during the play period.
Of course, when circle time came, he couldn't sit still. He stood up a lot, and then laid down on the floor. He did participate though while the teacher was reading a Blue's Clues book (small wonder).
I'm posting the picture I took before he went to school today next to the one I took of him during the first day of school last year, just to compare. My, he has grown.


Ben on the first day of school in 2005 Posted by Hello

It's been too long

Been a while. Either there were too many things to do or I was just too lazy to sit down and type something up. I had meant to put up a couple of entries and a few photos since my last entry, but somehow, I just couldn't sit down and type up. My other two blogs have suffered too.
Anyway, since my last entry, I've spent a week in Cagayan de Oro, gone swimming twice in 9 Waves/Ciudad Christia Resort in San Mateo (a few minutes away from Kuya Toti's house), and pretty much stayed home. At least I don't recall doing anything else particular.
So, I'm posting a some photographs from the two 9 Waves visit. The first time we went, we were joined by Jovin, and the second time, by Janina and Josella.
First pictures were taken April 23, when Jovin joined us.
I am too big!
Ben ready to swim
On his own
What a dive!
Here I come!
With Kuya Jay, Kuya Daniel, and Kuya Miguel

This next set was taken June 2, when Janina, Josella, and Iñaki joined us.
With Ate Siobe, Ate Janina, and Kuya Miguel in the wave pool
With Ate Janina and Ate Siobe in the banga, Auntie Jojo sitting outside the banga

The next few pictures are of Iñaki and the kids in the deep end of the wave pool during one of the wave episodes:

Last May too, the black Honda finally got some fixing. Here's Ben in front of the cleaned up car.

Next photos were taken during Ben's last day of summer school at Fremont. They had a pajama party, which explains why he was wearing pajamas to school.