Friday, December 15, 2006

A visit with Santa

This afternoon, we went to Megamall for a bit of shopping, and guess who Ben ran into? Santa Claus. And here's a picture to show for it. I wonder what he asked for?

Ben with Santa

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Christmas photos

It's that time of the year again, and I had pictures of the kids taken. It's really nice to have pictures of the kids taken at around the same time annually. I get to see how much they've changed over the years.

There were several shots taken, but I'm just posting the one each. You can look at the others at Christmas 2006. Anyway, here they are:

Daniel @ 14 years old

Miguel @ 12 years old

Ben @ 4 years old

Me and Ben trying to look cute

Thursday, December 07, 2006

A field trip and a birthday

Last November 20, Ben's class went on a field trip (I went along, of course). The day-long outing had us riding round trip on the LRT 2, visiting the PACEM Ecopark in Antipolo City, and gulping some donuts from Gonuts Donuts in Cubao.

Ben was excited about riding the LRT. That was his (and mine as well) first ride on that light rail line. He has taken the MRT (EDSA route) before. He spent most of the time staring out the window. He kept asking me too if the cars were going to fall off the tracks. The roundtrip (Santolan-Recto-Santolan) took a little over an hour. I was sleepy by the time we got back to the bus to travel to the Ecopark, where we had a picnic lunch before going around to see some of the birds and other animals that were kept there. Ben was excited to see them all, especially the birds. He got real close to them. After the Ecopark, we headed on to Gonuts Donuts in Cubao where the kids got to watch how donuts are made. They also got free donuts and juice, but as usual, Ben wasn't really able to eat much.

Here are some photos from the field trip. You can check out the rest at fotopic CSC Field Trip.

In front of one of the LRT trains in the garage

Near the tracks

In the LRT

With his Teacher Coocoo

In front of the Assumption statue at the Ecopark (run by Assumption Sisters)

With his classmate Alyana in the butterfly and insect exhibit

In the shells exhibit

By the cage of the cassowary, the second largest flightless bird in the world (I think), and according the Guinness is the world's most dangerous bird

Close encounter with a bird

Another close encounter with a bird with classmate Matthew

With Matt and Gabriel

With Marcus (former classmate at Fremont too) and Matthew

By the wishing well (hmnn...I wonder what he wished for?)

With Matt in front of the statue of St. Francis of Assisi

He had a lot of fun, but was quite tired by time we got home late in the afternoon.

Two days later, it was Papa's 72nd birthday celebration. We had to have a cake of course, so Ben could help him blow out the candles. Some photos and a video clip follow.

Lolo Emon's birthday cake

Papa and Ben with Kuya Miguel and Kuya Daniel (we miss you Pau and Enzo)

And here's a short clip