In 18 days, Ben will start 4th grade. My boy will soon be in Middle School. As I told him, new beginning, clean slate. Among my goals this year is to get him to develop a love for learning and to develop good study habits. This is difficult, since the amount of schoolwork kids are subjected to these days is appalling. Not surprisingly, many kids tend to not like school. I really don't remember my schooldays back in the 70s and 80s being this stuffed with schoolwork, but I guess those days are long gone. There seems to be so much pressure on the kids these days, what with all the new things going on. I've got to get him to read more and play less, because this summer he spent so much time playing. My fault actually.
Anyway, as the new school year rolls in, my goal is to be a better guide to Ben in his learning process. That's a tall order, since sadly, my patience usually wears thin when I help Ben with his lessons and homework. Daily arguments are common. This year, I will strive to be a more patient, more understanding, and more encouraging Nanay. I hope that by the end of the year and when he starts 5th grade, he would've have developed good study habits.
I'm not sure if I am on the right path, but my goal is not so much for him to get very high grades and honors in class, although of course those would be a bonus. I just want him to really be able to do his best in everything he does. It's hard though, because when he doesn't do too well, I get upset, so he starts thinking that I'm pressuring him for higher grades. I just know that he's capable of so much more, but perhaps I'm not being able to properly explain to him. I hope this year I'll be able to make him understand that.
It's going to be a challenging year, but with us working together, I'm hoping he and I will be able to rise up to the challenge.